/manager/Index en-au 5 Complicated and uncomplicated peptic ulcer disease: altered symptom response to a nutrient challenge linked to gastric motor dysfunction /manager/Repository/uon:19438 mTc-rhenium sulphide colloid, every 5 min up to a cumulative volume of 800 ml. Gastric emptying was measured by scintigraphy for the total, proximal and distal stomach. Results: Patients with uPUD had significantly higher gastric retention in the proximal and total stomach at 100 min than HC and BPU, while BPU had similar percent retention to HC. Patients with uPUD had significantly higher cumulative symptom response to the nutrient challenge than did HC and BPU, while BPU had similar symptom responses to HC. Conclusions: Patients with uPUD have significantly delayed gastric emptying compared to HC and BPU. Data suggest that in addition to alterations of visceral sensory function, altered gastric motor function occurs during a nutrient challenge in uPUD but not BPU. Gastric motor function may contribute to the manifestation of dyspeptic symptoms in PUD.]]> Thu 06 Aug 2015 16:37:18 AEST ]]> A preliminary analysis of the effect Iberogast, Nexium, dual Iberogast + Nexium or dual placebo on symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia /manager/Repository/uon:13239 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:17:36 AEDT ]]>